"We (as in the KHH clarinet quintet, which I'm part of) worked with Kaiwen Miao during two editions of the Orlando Festival Samenspel Course. First of all let me state, that she really knows about and understands music. Kaiwen has a truly authentic and original view and approach. And secondly, but not less important, she is very good at communicating (i.e. transferring and translating her knowledge and view to others) to her students. Kaiwen does that in a great metaphorical way, which I personally found fantastic. Furthermore the sessions were interactive with really useful exercises and challenging questions. For me it was an absolute privilege and pleasure to work with her!"
Hans Langen
Member of KHH Clarinet Quintet, The Netherlands
"It was very nice working with Kaiwen! She had a few ideas that we would never come up to. The rehearsals with her were very fun, because she is very optimistic and joyous, bring up a good ambiance."
Julia van den Eijnden
Member of KHH Clarinet Quintet, The Netherlands
"Kaiwen was really effective in solving some of my fundamental issues, such as the form of my fingers. Given that it was my first time taking an ABRSM exam (Grade 5 Clarinet), with no prior experience in piano, I had no idea how to do the aural portion. However, she helped me build my aural knowledge from scratch and that helped me do well in this category. The exam seemed so much easier and doable with her help, and I have learnt alot under her guidance despite the short amount of time we had."
Saga Salim
ABRSM Grade 5 Distinction student, Singapore
“Miss Miao is a very calm and patient teacher. Our son started lessons with her when he was just five years old. Miss Miao found innovative ways to impart her knowledge to such a young child."
Mr & Mrs John Chan
Parents, Singapore